Friday, May 13, 2011

Kidnapped Girl Rescued by Portland’s Finest

Carly Kampfer was found and rescued by Dt. Burkhardt and Dt. Griffin of the Portland P.D. at an abandoned farm. Thorough investigation by the two detectives led them to a group of men related to Carly’s mother.
Carly Kampfer was held captive by five men, two of them her cousins, one her uncle and another two associates for what seemed like a cult ritual according to Portland P.D’s press release.
“It was horrible. They planned to tie me up at this alter-like thing and they talked about raping me under the full moon” said Carly Kampfer when asked about the incident.
The five men were arrested and are now in police custody awaiting trial. Once again, another case is closed by the wonderful detectives Brukhardt and Griffin.  


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